The GVDN® developed protocols for partner sites to implement and determine background rates for health outcomes of interest, carry out rapid cycle analysis and perform observed versus expected analyses for adverse events of special interest, and implement association studies to identify the relationship between vaccination and a potential vaccine safety signal. Data from GVDN partner sites conducting these studies will be displayed on interactive dashboards as they become available. 

The GVDN uses Shiny applications to create interactive data dashboards that allow users to interact with and visualise study data as they become available. Each dashboard is embedded in a GVDN webpage, and is self-contained, hosted by RStudio on shared cloud servers, and accessed via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Data for each dashboard has been uploaded to the dashboard by the GVDN.

Dashboard data are deidentified. With data for rare events, to avoid recording potentially identifying low counts or suppression of counts below a threshold, such as counts <6, some age groups will have been aggregated up to 20-year age groups, to increase counts.

The first available dashboards provide background rates for adverse events of special interest (AESIs) and can be accessed through the link below.

Key Information

Global Vaccine Data Network™ (GVDN®) is a multinational, investigator-led research network with primary interests in the area of vaccine safety and effectiveness.

We provide the Dashboard(s) for informational purposes only. We cannot guarantee that the information is suitable for any particular purpose or that it is error-free.

Do not rely on Dashboard Information for any health decision, except in consultation with your clinician.

Where you use any Dashboard Information, you must ensure that any research and conclusions you draw reflect generally accepted scientific methodologies and other principles of responsible research conduct, and that any reports or publications are fair and accurate and not likely to mislead or deceive any person.

We take breaches of these Terms of Use seriously.  Where you breach these Terms of Use, we may take legal action against you to recover compensation for any harm you cause as a result.

If you have any questions about our Terms of Use or our Privacy Policy please contact us. We have provided an overview of our Terms of Use below.

You can read our full Terms of Use here, and our Privacy Policy here.


Please click on the links to find out more detail on any particular topic.

  1. Introduction and Acceptance of Terms of Use: These Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy set out how we will work with you. You accept these Terms of Use when you access the GVDN Website and/or Dashboard(s) and/or the Protocol(s) and and/or the Blog(s).
  2. Changes to these Terms of Use: We may update these Terms of Use at any time.
  3. Definitions: Capitalised words used in these Terms of Use have certain meanings.
  4. GVDN: We provide the Dashboard(s) for informational purposes only. We cannot guarantee that the information is suitable for any particular purpose or that it is error-free.
  5. Use of Dashboard Information and Protocols, and/or Blog(s): Dashboard Information and Protocol(s) may be used only for academic research and other non-commercial purposes. Blog(s) may be reproduced or republished only for the purpose of science communication and the source must be acknowledged with the original URL link.
  6. Publications: Reports, publications, extracts and summaries must comply with certain requirements.
  7. Blog(s) Content: In submitting a Blog for publication by GVDN, the author(s) warrants they have the appropriate expertise to comment on the subject matter, the Blog is original work and evidence-based, and that the Blog contains no violation of existing copyright or other third party right.
  8. Conditions of Use: Use of the GVDN Website and/or Dashboard(s) and/or Protocol(s) and/or (Blog(s) is conditional on a number of requirements guarding against misuse, including prohibitions against commercialisation, copying, linking to the GVDN Website, re-identifying individuals, scraping, hijacking and other harms.
  9. Other Content: Blogs and articles on the GVDN Website are the views of the author(s), not our views.
  10. Exclusions of Liability: We do not accept liability for your use of the GVDN Website and/or any Dashboard(s) Information and/or Protocol(s) and/or Blog(s).
  11. Rights of Access: Your right to access the GVDN Website and Dashboard(s) is temporary and not guaranteed.
  12. Indemnity: You indemnify us against loss, etc. resulting from or incurred by us in connection with your breach of these Terms of Use.
  13. Fees: There are no fees for using Dashboard Information or Protocol(s) for academic research and other non-commercial purposes. Licence fees and terms apply to use for commercial purposes.
  14. Ownership of Content and Trade Marks: We own all rights, including intellectual property rights, in the GVDN trade marks, and the content of the GVDN Website including the Dashboard(s), Dashboard Information, Protocol(s), and Blog(s). You must not use these except as stated or with our consent.
  15. Privacy: We will use and protect your personal information as set out in our Privacy Policy.
  16. General: These Terms of Use are governed by New Zealand law.