Our Work

Our Work

Adverse events of special interest (AESI) such as Bell’s palsy and narcolepsy often present to primary care settings rather than hospitals and COVID-19 vaccine pharmacovigilance using hospital data only will miss these cases.

The GVDN® is a technical partner with the African COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Surveillance (ACVaSS) project.* Hospital-based sentinel surveillance designed to detect safety signals of rare adverse events of special interest (AESIs) or to evaluate safety signals arising from other sources,

This is a self-controlled case series (SCCS) study of a cohort of children aged 0–5 years who were born in 2008–2019 and are resident in New Zealand to investigate the association between MMR vaccination and a list of specified conditions.

The Genomics of COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Adverse Events project is one of the Global COVID Vaccine Safety (GCoVS) project* activities. 

The simultaneous development of so many vaccines for COVID-19 and their anticipated deployment in both high- and low-middle- income countries to meet the global need is unprecedented.

The New Zealand Gold Study includes a suite of observational studies to assess the risk of adverse events of special interest following COVID-19 and mpox vaccines in Aotearoa New Zealand using a gold standard approach. The work also includes contribution to a genomics study.